- macrophobia Fear of long waits.
- maieusiophobia Fear of childbirth.
- malaxophobia syn. of sarmassophobia.
- maniaphobia Fear of insanity.
- mastigophobia Fear of flogging.
- mechanophobia Fear of machinery.
- medectophobia Fear of the contour of one’s penis being visible through clothes.
- medomalacophobia Fear of losing one’s erection during coitus.
- medorthophobia syn. of ithyphallophobia.
- megalophobia Fear of large objects.
- melissophobia syn. of apiphobia.
- melophobia syn. of musicophobia.
- meningitophobia Fear of meningitis.
- menophobia Fear of menstruation.
- merinthophobia Fear of being bound.
- metallophobia Fear of metals.
- meteorophobia Fear of meteors and meteorites.
- metrophobia Fear of poetry.
- microbiophobia Fear of microbes.
- microphobia Fear of small objects.
- misophobia Fear of contamination.
- molysmophobia syn. of misophobia.
- molysomophobia syn. of misophobia.
- monopathophobia Fear of a specific disease.
- monophobia Fear of one thing or solitude.
- motorphobia Fear of cars/automobiles.
- muriphobia syn. of musophobia.
- musicophobia Fear of music.
- musophobia Fear of mice.
- mycophobia Fear of mushrooms.
- myctophobia syn. of achluophobia.
- myrmecophobia Fear of ants.
- mysophobia syn. of misophobia.
- mythophobia Fear of myths (or lying).
- myxophobia syn. of blennophobia.
M Phobias